
DAY RIDE 2022-2

Each of has his personal home route which gets ridden, when there is some spare time, but no route planning time. Or often also just for getting the mind free from daily life troubles. When I’m on such a ride, I often recognize some small tracks or tiny back country roads aside my home route which look promising. This ride report is about scouting some of this little trails and roads along one of my usual home routes. Enjoy …

DATE: October 2023, DISTANCE: 493 KM or 305 MI, GRAVEL/STREET RATIO: 25/75, HIGHLIGHTS: Many beautiful landscape views along the route through Lower Austria and Styria

A long day of riding was lying ahead, so …

my …

black beauty Чернотa and I went up early on this …

cold autumnal morning. After about …

an hour we reached the hilly woods in the south of Vienna.

The sun was still standing low …

when we scouted the first overgrown forest trail.

After following again some tarmac, we …

entered a dark gorge …

which followed a small creek, before …

leading up into a …

colorful forest. After being about three hours in the saddle …

it was time for a short break at a very well known resting place, which most of the Austrian bikers from the eastern part of the country know for sure. Next …

Чернотa and I went up in the direction of Lake Hubertus. Before approaching it, this …

monument of a…

to me unknown person of the past was passed. Just a stone’s throw away …

at the dam wall of Lake Hubertus …

we made another stop for enjoying the view.

The clear visibility over the Lake was astounding.

We continued our ride …

and explored …

the surrounding of the lake, before …

following my home usual route further westwards. Also directly aside the …

main road some beautiful sites like this old wooden hut was seen.

The high standing …

grey clouds made me fear about possibly incoming bad weather. Therefor I decided, instead of having lunch at a biker rest, to push on along the …

dry and …

nice winding roads, until reaching a …

quiet …

side valley, where another entrance to a …

well maintained …

gravel track is located. This track followed …

parallel to my so often before ridden tarmac route and …

was easy to ride, before …

it joined the former ridden paved back country road again.

Near this “holy” bridge, …

another nice …

gravel side track was entered. On the way up, I made …

a stop for this undefinable little guard-hut aside the track. I wasn’t able to figure out a reason for this object here at this place. But I don’t had to understand everything so, I jumped back in the saddle …

for gaining height. Shortly after enjoying the view we turned around and rode back down to the valley …

of river Salza. I parked …

Чернотa under the bridge and explored this building…

via feet. From the bottom of …

cultivated valley the sight into …

surrounding autumnal mountains was astounding.

If you look closely: Between this two waterfalls is a little cross/monument mounted. Despite being curious I was too lazy for waling over for having a closer look what it is about. So I went back to motorcycle and continued the ride back eastwards …

and took another side road. I had to stop for this …

flock of deer in a gated property. I turned of the engine and watched this beautiful animals for a while. After a few minutes something started to frighten the hyper-nervous deer-buck in the middle of the herd. Suddenly it started loud grunting and ran off like a lightning bolt. I was able to bring the camera in position for taking a snapshot, just when this …

strong animal jumped over a surely 6 meters (18 feet) wide creek, with just one leap. Wow, what a show!

Because the frighting dark clouds reappeared and crawled slowly towards us, it was time to braap on. For a while we …

This is a aqueduct of Vienna’s Main Water Supply.

followed the waterways of Viennas Main Water Supply.

The autumnal mood in this …

remote valley in Styria was …

breathtaking and also the low standing …

afternoon sun produced a great …

light play. The grey clouds …

followed us till …

Чернотa and I reached the …

the less mountainous hilly regions of lower Austria. I decided to make a last …

side cut into another forest track, where the gravel track …

led us right into a gravel pit, where I made the decision to call it a day. So we …

rode back to…

the city Vienna. On our way, I had made a last stop for making a shot of this …

stunning garage. The owner is surely loving what he’s doing!

Finally, after 493 km or 305 mi we arrived back at our home.

That was a successful dual sport day ride with some nice and easy gravel sections along my often ridden home route.

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