For a little breakout of the everyday life I like it to go for a ride. Sometimes smaller ones – mostly for a whole day – but sometimes also for bigger ones – like this ride here.
The most important thing for me about such rides is to leave behind the usual annoying stuff and do something exiting, challenging and uncertain. In my opinion that is what makes life worth living. This ride is such a little escape from my daily routine …

Day one of “The Long Weekend Ride in the Alps” started in Vienna. Чернотa brought me this day via Lower Austria to Styria and finally to the Austrian state Carinthia. There we intended to climb some gravel roads near the village Mallnitz. On our way we used a few nice panoramic roads.

At 0700 in the morning we started our ride and left Vienna along …

some easy to ride gravel roads.

At the beginn of the “Pre-Alps” a short break was needed. This day was silly: Normally I didn’t have troubles with my neck, but this time I had strong neck pain. So I stopped for a short coffee and threw in some painkillers. After that the ride went …

on and within about a half hour the pain was bearable. Those one of you which were following my doings probably knew this …

location. I posted it before one or two times. I really like the untouched look into the “Seeberg-Valley” near the village Seewiesen. Thus, the pass road there is a pleasure. Due to that I often stop here for a short break.

After taking this shot from a few ducklings enjoying the sun at the Lake “Dürrsee” Чернотa and I went on to …

the Earth-Radio-Station in Aflenz. This huge dishes are very impressive!

The weather was a dream so far, and we proceeded steadily.

In Styria, we did our first longer part of …

an unknown gravel road. It led up to …

respectable heights and offered a nice view over gentle hills of central Styria.

My black beauty and I went on further south-west-wards following …

softly bent back country roads in Styria. On top of another hill close to the border …

to Carinthia a short but heavy shower streaked us. But that didn’t matter due to the warm/hot temperatures. In Carinthia, we passed the …

Lake Millstatt. Without a break we rode on …

directly into Carinthias …

high alpine areas. We went on to the village Mallnitz. There are two valleys lying nearby:

The Seebach-Valley and the …

Tauern Valley. Чернотa and I rode into the second one …

as far as the chosen track reached. There …

at the end of the track at a height of 2050m or 6700ft I built up …

the shelter for the stay this night.

While a nice nugget of beef was frying side by side with some red pepper in the pan …

I strayed around a bit in the closer surrounding. After the …

nice meal and …

the dish washing I went for a little hike. As soon as the sun disappeared it got cold. Due to that I crawled into the tent and …

called it a great day. -o-
Total distance this day approximately 550km or 340mi.