Do you know that feeling when you are very upset about the bad weather whilst riding a motorcycle? On the seventh day of my tour my patience was stressed to its limit. The bad weather with rain, very cold temps, snowy mountain peaks and bad view accompanied Чернотa and me nearly the whole day along the TET Corsica …

Besides some …

light rain the last night was a quiet one. I slept very well. Around 0700 in the morning I got up …

and packed my gear. While leaving the meadow, in which we camped, …

this accurate cleaned skeleton of a ram was found. A look over the vineyard into the mountains …

forecasted bad incoming weather in direction west, where we intended to ride. Through …

small villages, along …

cork plantations, …

and winding roads …

we climbed up into the cloud covered hills and mountains of Corsica main mountain range. In this part of the Island …

the Trans Euro Trail went through some …

very old parts …

of a Corsican mountain forest following most of the time some nicely bend curves and serpentines.

After a break around midday …

the ride continued onwards through …

the mountainous scenery. The weather stayed wet. Short towards …

this spooky tomb …

it was time for some gravel. Like already mentioned above, a big part of this day ride along the TET Corsica followed tarmac, but it was interrupted with some …

nice short …

detours through …

the corsican woods. Also, there have been a few short, but very steep slopes along those gravel parts. Riding them in the opposite direction may would have been a problem along such wet conditions. But lucky we rode them all downwards, what was an easy task. A dead end would have been a problem. But the TET Track was intact and so we followed it without troubles. Overall …

this day was a gray one. The ride southwards the central part of Corsica Island …

passed a nice little …

waterfall and I have seen the …

small version of the “EssoTiger” next to a fuel station.

Quantities of pigs …

and cows later …

dense fog came down along the mountain range and accompanied …

us along the higher parts of the route. The moist and cold weather sucked the warmth out of my bones. In a nice …

little village a stop for buing some groceries was made.

I took the opportunity to have a little walk …

through the village for warming up my limps.

As soon as we left the village, …

near the L’Ospedale-Recervoir, …

heavy …

showers started. My drenched black beauty and I …

continued our ride into direction south …

until we reached some flat lands. Close to …

the southern coast, at a remote dead end …

this impressive old ruin was found. Because the weather forecast looked well for this part of the Island, and …

the great view of the Mediterranean Sea ….

I used the even place infront of the ruin for building up my tent. When that was done I changed my clothes and …

explored the surrounding of this old building. The brick wall fascinated me because nearly each brick seemed like it was extra adjusted to fit its neighbor, nearly without the usage of right angles. Building such a wall this way takes surely a while and also a lot of manpower. Nowadays probably invaluable.

Inside a little building aside of the main house …

chaos was residing and everything …

was destroyed. Some beams looked like they have burned a long time ago. Maybe fire was the cause for this destruction? I don’t know.
After my little excursion, I sat down to the …

entrance stair of the main building and had a few leftovers for dinner. When I spilled a few …

drops of Coke, quickly some ants, the only residents of this old building, appeared for sucking up the mess I made.

Because of the hills in the west the sun went down early on day number seven of my tour. With its disappearing, temperatures quickly decreased. Like the sun, I also disappeared just a few minutes later in my warm and cozy down sleeping bag.
Total distance this day: 215km or 135 mi.
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